Saturday, October 29, 2011

First stop: Our way through PA

Halloween weekend at the Clery's 

Tracey making chocolate chip pumpkin bread

Derek, master pumpkin carver

Mike, drinking a pumpkin brew
Kira, preparing pumpkin seeds

Snow in October? What a great day to depart!

Ryan was the icing to the pumpkin cake. Despite the odd weather, we had an amazing time catching up with Tracey and Derek. Thanks for your gracious hospitality and a great beginning to our trip!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Cram the Tuna Can

Luggage Compartment: Loaded with road survival gear
Utilizing every inch available
As expected, Mike packed everything in like a puzzle.
He calls it, "A thing of beauty." It sure is.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Essential Cross-Country Gear

Will my lovely little car hold all of our stuff?! If Mike has anything to do with will!

Here is MOST of what we are bringing!

Can't beat games when it's just the two of you!
Mad libs, Crap or Fact, Cards, Chess, Checkers, Backgammon, Mancala and Would You Rather- which reminds me of Kara, Liz, Melis and Shan and how we used to play our own sick version of the game!

Two camping chairs, 2 person Alps Mountaineering 20 degree Sleeping Bag, REI Kingdom 4 tent, 2 self inflating-2.5 inch sleeping pads, 2 extra sleeping bags, a bag with 4 bottles of wine (courtesy of the Hughes family) wrapped in our towels , and two stuff sacks filled with some of our sweaters and fleeces.

Oh and our bags with clothes....when you don't know how long your staying it's hard to pack lightly! Ah!

Hasta Luego Manahawkin!

Welcome family and friends to the beginning of our exciting adventure traveling across the US of A in a small, two-door Toyota Yaris! We are so excited and are in the process of last minute packing, organizing and saying goodbye before we leave this weekend. Mike and I will try to continue updating the blog as best we can to keep everyone informed of our travels.  The picture above is a tribute to Sarah and Jeremy for putting together an awesome going away party! Adios!