Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sequoia National Park, CA

The biblically famed Joshua Tree was named by Mormon settlers crossing the Mojave Desert during the 1850's. It reminded them of outward reaching hands during prayer.

Massive wind farms of South Eastern California.

Free range beef (looks delicious).

Lemon Groves of southern CA

Some well pruned West Coast Cypress Trees.

Lkae Kaweah in all of her glory.

Potwisha campground at Sequoia National Park.

BEAR BAIT!!!!!!!

The Kaweah River flowing through the Potwisha Campground, Sequoia N.P.

"He Who Stands Broadly" (Mikes native american name)

Kira ("She who holds boldly")

Tourist trap that will cost you one hundred big ones.

Now entering the Land of the Giant Forrest

The General Sherman Tree was named after the American Civil War General and is currently the largest tree on Planet Earth. He has a circumference of an amazing 110 feet and is estimated to be 2500 years OLD!

"He who stands Broadly" next to the broadest tree on Earth.

Driving west through Kings Canyon to Yosemite.

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